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3CIOs' Joe Tenczar Reveals Tech to Watch from CES

A new product from CES 2018.

Every January, tech enthusiasts and business executives alike flock to Las Vegas for the spectacle that is the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which attracted 4,000 exhibiting companies and more than 180,000 attendees in 2017. Many are there for the cool and the crazy, like drones (which don’t seem so crazy anymore), smart bras, virtual reality headsets (pretty mainstream now), Bluetooth pregnancy tests, robots (hi, Pepper!), hyperconnected cars (do you control them or do they control you?), a wireless "fish finder" that attaches to a fishing rod, and so much more.

But in between all of those “out-there” inventions, many startups are focused on innovating in ways that will truly resonate with consumers — perhaps not immediately at scale, but likely at some point in the not-so-distant future.

Sonny’s BBQ CIO Joe Tenczar went to CES earlier this month to get a feel for the kinds of technologies and innovations that will trickle down to your restaurant, hotel or other hospitality business in the future. See what Tenczar, one of the authors of the 3CIOs blog, found to be among the most interesting hospitality-business-related applications at the tech-happy week-long event.

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