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HT-NEXT Insights From Sertifi

Phil Corbett, Director of Marketing, Sertifi

How can hotels best leverage technology right now to meet the challenges of the pandemic and economic downturn?

Something we consistently hear from our customers is that they are now challenged to do more with less - whether that is less time, budget, or resources. Performing an audit of your current tech stack and processes is a first step in ensuring you're able to do more with less and to make sure you're getting the most out of the tools you already use while identifying gaps in your processes. Look for tools that can multitask - automating manual processes in multiple business areas, for example.

It's also important to remember that with many people shifting to a remote work environment, technology must be in place which can enable processes from anywhere while maintaining security for both employees and guests.

How should hoteliers start thinking beyond the pandemic as they chart their tech roadmaps for the coming years?

At Sertifi, we've been looking at how 2020 has affected hospitality from a fraud prevention and security perspective. Fraud has increased significantly in the hospitality space, with fraudsters finding new ways to exploit vulnerable or disjointed processes as a result of the pandemic. Considering tech which compliments a strong fraud prevention strategy saves hotels potential losses in chargebacks and improves your guests' experience by providing peace of mind that their sensitive data is safe.